Staying Curious on Your Path

The quality of the questions we ask determines the quality of our life experience. Simple right?  Asking questions is so basic and instinctive that we often overlook the power that our questions can hold.

My little grandson won an award in pre-K for being 'The King of Questions'. His thirst for knowledge and understanding of the world around him drives an insatiable curiosity. Interesting how, as we age our sense of wonderment dwindles giving way to seriousness, stress, and a preoccupation with the complexities of our experience with life.

What is the secret behind an empowered question that can unlock profound insights, and illuminate new possibilities in our lives?

The answer, the energy of the question itself.

Questions are like breathing; our mind comes up with questions effortlessly. By training yourself to consciously ask empowering questions, regardless of the circumstances, you are programming your state of mind to seek out opportunities, solutions, and growth. This shift in perspective can lead to a manifesting effect in your life, attracting positive outcomes and opportunities that align with your heart's intentions.

Different questions can indeed trigger different results. Our existence is governed by vibrational frequency — everything in the universe, including our thoughts, feelings, and actions, emits a particular energetic vibration. When we are in a low vibrational state, caught up in negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and destructive patterns, we tend to experience a lower quality of life. And this reactive state, can cause us to ask low vibe questions to which the universe answers in kind. I call this the 'Dreaded Drama Trap' where we ask questions that keep the drama going... a narrative of victimhood, helplessness, and blame.

  • Why does bad luck always find me?
  • Why is what I do never good enough?
  • Why did they do this to me?
  • Why did this happen to me?
  • Why can't I be as successful as others?

Questions like these above are so disempowering! And with them, we continue to draw to us experiences, events, and people that only reinforce a negative cycle of self-sabotage and limitation. Asking questions like this, inadvertently invites more of the same energy into our lives, further entrenching us in a cycle of negativity and stagnation.

In order to shift our experience with life, we need to consciously begin asking more empowering questions regardless of the circumstances. Bob Proctor, who was my most instrumental mentor, once said to me, "Bonnie, you need to get your thinking right. You do not even realized how powerful you are." That tipped the scales for me. I went from Sally Woe is Me, to Bonnie Be Better.

Whatever we focus on will become our reality. By training yourself to consciously ask empowering questions, you are programming your mind set to curiosity and wonder, to seek out opportunities, solutions, and growth. This shift in perspective can lead to a manifesting effect in your life, attracting positive outcomes and opportunities that align with your intentions.

  • What would my life look like if this was not a problem anymore?
  • What limiting belief am I clinging to?
  • What do I really want given this situation?
  • What steps can I take today to move closer to my desired outcome?
  • How can I turn this challenge into an opportunity for growth?

Empowering questions are Creator questions! They spark curiosity and wonder. They ignite your imagination. The answers cannot be found on google. Instead, they raise your vibe so that your Higher Mind can tune into the Divine Mind for the answers that will unfold in perfect timing, guiding you towards clarity, wisdom, and inspired action.

Embracing the practice of asking empowering questions not only elevates your consciousness and aligns your vibration with the universe, but also unlocks the infinite potential within you.

Stay curious sweet friends! Let your imagination run wild, and trust in the magic of asking the right questions. The universe has a way of surprising us when we least expect it. Keep asking, keep believing, and watch as your path unfolds with divine guidance and infinite possibilities.


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