Stronger Together—What Every Medium Needs to Know

I was raised Catholic, which laid a rich and intricate foundation for my faith. I am truly grateful for the structured sense of community, the sacred rituals, and the moral guidance that it offered. These teachings instilled in me a profound understanding of right and wrong and reinforced my belief in a Higher Power. However, they also created a debilitating fear of the spiritual experiences I was having, leaving me torn between my faith and the unsettling unknown of the spirit world and my angelic encounters.

It all led to believe that I was inherently flawed, a terrible person, whose very soul was doomed.  I had internalized the teachings of the church, that the supernatural was outside of God's domain, and I was convinced that any attempt to explore my true self was an affront to my faith—perhaps the devil truly did have a hold on me?

The Internal Struggle

This conflict led me to believe that I was inherently flawed, a terrible person, whose very soul was doomed. I had internalized the teachings of the church, convincing myself that the supernatural was outside of God's domain. Any attempt to explore my true self felt like an affront to my faith—perhaps the devil truly did have a hold on me?

As I began to challenge the doctrines that had shaped my beliefs about worthiness and God, I started questioning deeper truths:

  • Why did God create me this way?
  • How is it that every other religion could be deemed wrong while the Catholic faith alone was upheld as the sole path to truth?
  • Why does it matter what route we choose to reach God? Is it not more important that we try?
  • What is Jesus truly trying to communicate to us through His teachings?

I found myself yearning for clarity amid the confusion, seeking a more inclusive understanding of faith that embraced love, compassion, and the shared spiritual journey of humanity—an understanding that would help me to know myself better and what I was experiencing firsthand with the unseen world.

Even though, I was asking these questions, and at the same time instinctively pulled to the explore an alternative path, the fear of it caused me to suppress, avoid, and deny it at all costs. This internal struggle became a tug of war that nearly cost me my life, fueling some of my darkest days. I constantly walked a tightrope of morality, grappling with the unsettling thought that my spiritual experiences were evidence of something wrong within me—something forbidden and dangerous. This fear was compounded by the looming judgment not only from others but also from God itself. I was scared, lonely, and I longed to know my place in the world.

What I experienced, is nothing new. Throughout history, particularly during the Piscean era, mediumship has been met with skepticism and fear, both rooted in the rigid structures of organized religion, familial, and societal norms. It this fear-based consciousness that has stifled our authentic self-expression, leading many mediums to internalize the notion that these beautiful gifts—whether communicating with those who have passed, connecting with angels, or engaging with higher consciousness—are wrong or even sinister. It's entrenched in our western culture and sadly, is what leads so many gifted and talented mediums to step forward and help others, even though they long for it.

A Call to Action

I feel a deep passion to reaffirm the integrity and significance of this beautiful healing work. Even in this day and age, skepticism still exists, I’ve come to understand that it is not my job to convince anyone, or change their mind, but instead to be available, to be in service and to ensure that all is right with my soul by honouring my dharmic responsibility — to be the light, a guide and a source of love and support for those who seek it because no matter what other people believe, because what I have witnessed first hand, no one can convince me this is not holy or of God. The miracles that can take place in someone’s life from a single word that  is shared from their loved one on the other side, is what matters more to me than the voice of any naysayer.

In today’s world, characterized by discord and uncertainty, our gifts as mediums are needed more than ever—we simply need to turn on the news to know how much healing is needed in our lives and communities. I believe that every interaction we have with others has the potential to spark healing, inspire courage, and reinforce the need for our work as mediums. The world may be rife with skepticism, but we are on the cusp of a new era —this aquarian age that grants us permission to be authentic, express our individuality and our woo woo, the world as we have known it is changing, and I personally believe that we mediums, can no longer hide in the shadows. Our work helps to create pathways for individuals to reconnect with themselves one a deeper level—we create spaces where healing can thrive, nurture our shared humanity, and engage in collective healing. We provide effective pathways for emotional and spiritual healing that may not be addressed by conventional methods and bring clarity during challenging times — and right now, we are being called to rise up—to honour the work our soul’s promised to do.

In order to do this, 2 things need to happen:

  1. We need to do our deeper work, to heal our wounds, traumas, and inherited conditioning —whether from this lifetime or past lifetimes, we need to attentive and committed to unravel the beliefs and paradigms that are operating behind the scenes that contribute to the fear-based misconceptions that we’ve had about ourselves, our abilities, and the spirit world and mediumship itself. As we do this work, we not only understand who we are at the highest level, we significantly uplevel our ability to serve as an ambassador for the spirit world and the quality of the readings and healing we do. The lighter we become, the more light that can work through us. 
  2. We need to break down the stigmas that have long surrounded our work, embracing our roles as healers and truth-tellers without reservation. We all need to advocate for the validity and importance of our gifts, and for each other—to talk about our experiences openly, without judging them as weird or crazy, as the stories of spirit phenomena become more normalized, acceptance can flourish. Part of breaking the stigma also invites us to be better to and for each other. Competition undermines collaboration, jealousy undermines community, and fear undermines trust and if we do not have this with each other, it can seem increasingly impossible to override the fear-based consciousness of others.


Cultivating a spirit of unity and support requires a true sense of community. By uplifting one another and celebrating our unique gifts, we recognize that every contribution enriches the collective and empowers each of us. This collaborative spirit ultimately makes it easier for everyone to answer their call to serve, ensuring that the legacy of mediumship continues to thrive for generations to come. In doing so, we bring hope, healing, and connection to a world that desperately needs it.

As mediums, as a community, we can be instrumental in helping each other to navigate through the labyrinth of grief, guilt, and emotional turmoil, and the very challenges that are on the doorstep of humanity —we offer a transformative way to heal, reconnect, and thrive. That’s the essence of mediumship, it lies in the recognition that we are all interconnected — not just with each other, or those on the other side, but with the universe itself. We thrive when we are connected. And we need each other just as much as the world needs us—we are stronger together.


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