The Oracle View – March

Spiritual Energy Report for Sensitives

March is sprinkled in fairy dust! It is a month for magic! An upshift of energy that is set to enhance our manifestation abilities and help us to gain some momentum for our life. The energy is soulful, healing and inviting all of us to step bravely into the unknown.

In numerology, March is a 3.

The number 3 carries the vibration of joy, creativity, self-expression, and optimism. It represents growth, expansion, abundance, manifestation and spiritual connectedness.  3 is the number of the Ascended Masters who are working closely with us this month to not only manifest our hopes, dreams and wishes, they are also helping us to feel more at ease and peace in our life, encouraging us to drop all inhibitions and be who we are, to feel liberated and optimistic about our future and life in general.

During the month of March, our energy is renewed and so is our faith. This is a healing, soulful month where we will be shedding the past and the lingering heaviness we energy sensitives have been feeling. March is an excellent time to allow our creativity to flow in a direction that feels expansive, genuine and rewarding to us - supporting us to take action on any projects that have been sitting on the backburner and cross things off our to-do list.

This month is also the perfect time to change up our rituals and routines. Trying something new, putting a twist on things, rearranging everything (including our furniture) and taking a different approach will help to spark the creative juices and motivate us into inspired action. If you have been feeling the urge to write, create, teach, lead, or speak (or all the above), start a business, take a class, change your hairstyle, redecorate your home...... know that this beautiful and high-vibing energy of this 3 month is the reason why and THIS IS YOUR SIGN to go for it!

You can also expect the veil to be thinner than thin.  The interplay between the spirit and physical realms increases over the days ahead. You may notice an increase of spirit phenomena especially closer to the new moon mid-month as with the thin veil, communication improves between worlds - intuition is heightened, guidance and insights from your higher self, loved ones in spirit and your angels/guides is in constant flow. Dream states will also be extra vivid. Take note of your aha moments, keep a dream journal and be sure to make time to engage in your spiritual practices to hold alignment and stay in flow with the messages and downloads you will be receiving.  This is a fantastic month to receive clarity and to act. Trust and follow through with any guidance you receive as this is the perfect month to plant seeds and take co-creative action in your life.

The entire universe and all the powers that be are in full support of you. This 3 month is rich in possibilities and expansion, a great time to really lay the foundation for a more beautiful, aligned, and high vibe life!

Remember sweet friends, life rises up to meet us when we love and appreciate the ordinary moments, so be sure to nurture yourself through every step of the way.

Trust in the purpose of you!



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